Acquiring as a Service
Be an acquirer and manage your sales in real time with a completely customizable white label portal.
how we build your solution together
At Adiq we provide the entire infrastructure, certified and homologated by the cards brands, ‘as a service’, including the license fees.
first step
We delve into your business and develop the foundation of your acquiring project
Arrangement participation agreement
Deposit of collaterals
PCI information security audit
processing and authorization
Transactions capture and payment
Accounts payable and accounts receivable schedule management
financial settlement (cip)
Payment integration and management with CIP
Payment financial reconciliation
EDI (electronic statement)
compliance and regulation
Legal reports
Industry standards and regulations management
Monitoring of self-regulators and trends
DIMP submission
second step
We provide processes, technologies, and intelligence, among other resources.
Customizable POS terminal logistic
Implementation of brand messaging mandates
distribution and sales
Online accreditation and via API
Analysis of customer validation vs. industry they work
Advance on delivered receivables
HR to support operations
POS terminal acquisition
security and fraud prevention
Online white label service portal and via API
Agile service at communication channels
recurring payments
Total control of transactions
Conversion increase
Customizable solutions for subscription services
relationship channels
Real-time operations monitoring
Execution of chargeback process in the card brands
Creation and monitoring of alerts for transactions and stores
payment services
Sales reconciliator
Split Payment
Payment recurrence
additional services
Adiq is committed to go the extra mile to strengthen the partnership. Our expertise provides high-end additional solutions along with Banco BS2 and your businesses so your acquiring project will continuously evolve.