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send regular billing using Adiq recurring engine

Securely save your customer card data, for future payments.

how does Adiq recurring payment work?

adhesion to the plan

Recurring payments enable charging for products that allow for subscription plans, limited to eligible activity areas.

differentiated charge

It is a different product when compared to a purchase in installments, because the total amount of the plan is not computed in the credit card balance.

automated trigger

At each parametrized interval, there is an automated billing trigger with the amount corresponding to the plan ‘installment’, with no need for intervention from payers and/or operators.

flexible management

The platform manages payments with flexible parametrization.

solution via API

Offered by API integrated to the Gateway.

see why our recurrence solution is the most comprehensive and differentiated one in the industry

cancellation of current installment

Cancel installment with no impact on subscription.

free-trial period, followed by an automated normal billing cycle for the plan

Insert a free-trial period before billing.

customization of installment / plan frequency

Billing frequency in days.

card change for active subscription

Change the registered card without cancelling the subscription.

parameterizable automated block reiteration (known as ‘teimosinha’)

New attempts of automated billing, according to the rules.

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developer area

Access our manual so that the integration process of our API de Recorrência with your business is even easier and faster

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